10 Best Books for IAS Exam Preparation Recommended by Toppers

Best Books for IASChoosing the right study material will be a game-changer in UPSC Preparation. We cannot buy all the books for the IAS exam in the market and experimenting a trial and error game. So we collected a list of 10 best books IAS Prelims Exam recommended by Toppers.

For a strong competition, new and updated standard IAS Books are very essential to win the battle. Here your weapon is the best books for IAS Prelims and Mains exam preparation. By collecting these Best Books for IAS preparation, you crossed the first hurdle recommended by toppers. So go for it without any confusion. If you have any queries then please ask in the comment section.

Best Books for IAS Preparation

1. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra

This is a very good book for the modern part. This book a little bit fatty and time consuming but it will give you broad knowledge about the topic. This book can read like a novel, explains holistically each and every happening of the freedom struggle period. The book covers an in-depth overview of Indian freedom struggle. It covers all aspects from the revolt of 1857 and continues still independence. This book is essential for covering modern history and candidates can easily tackle questions from Indian history. Besides prelims, It is useful for mains also.

2. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania

For culture part of IAS Exam, the Best book to study art and culture. It’s a resource material you just cannot avoid for UPSC. Illustrated with pictures, reading and studying from this book itself is a wonderful learning experience in itself. It covers the whole syllabus of Indian heritage and culture for general studies paper 1. This is the only book you need to refer for Indian art and culture.

3. Certificate of Physical and Human Geography by G C Leong

This is a must book for both prelims and mains for the Physical part of Geography. It effectively covers most topics from physical world geography which are asked in the prelims.

4. Geography of India by Majid Hussain

A very comprehensive book for UPSC and other competitive exams. A must-have book if you want to understand the geography of India from root to tip. It details topics in a way that you get a complete understanding of updated info and maps.

5. Oxford School Atlas

It is an indispensable atlas for understanding the basics of Indian Geography as well as World Geography. Must Book for IAS Exam.

6. Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations – M. Laxmikanth

There is no question arising the base book for Polity, it is none other than Laxmikant. Start reading from any of the interesting topics, for instance, if you find interesting to study The Panchayati Raj, start reading from there.

7. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

 It is a must-read book. This covers almost all aspects of the economy. It will be useful for prelims. Read from the latest edition [7th edition]. Apart from it will be helpful for the mains also.

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8. Economic Survey 2022-23

An analytical and descriptive account of the present economic challenges and opportunities the country is witnessing. Every year the ministry of finance, the government of India publishes the economic survey that focuses on the country’s economic development during the previous twelve months. It consists of an in-depth analysis of recent economic developments. Along with all these, it the most authoritative, updated and unbiased source of information regarding the Indian economy. This book is also useful for both prelims and mains.

9. Environment by Shankar IAS

This is a Must-read book for UPSC aspirants as many questions are being asked about the environment. But you have to keep in touch with environmental current affairs from THE HINDU. Nowadays UPSC giving a lot of attention is to environmental issues.

10. India Year Book 2022

This book is very helpful to understand the government schemes and plans on various fields ( contents index is provided in the images). which can be very helpful for exams like UPSC for both prelims and mains point of view.

Also read: List of Books essential for IAS Prelims and Mains

Best Books for IAS Preparation – CSAT Paper

This paper is not considered to pass prelims from 2015 onwards. But need to secure a minimum of 33% of 200 marks. So it is obvious to secure a separate minimum of 66 marks to qualify for mains. Although the relevance of C- SAT paper has come down still it is important to clear prelims.  Mc- Grow Hill is the only one book you should refer for C- SAT.

  1. Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning– RS.Aggarwal – C- SAT Paper 2: Reasoning
  2. CSAT Manual by TMH or CSAT-II – Arihant C- SAT – Paper 2
  3. Analytical Reasoning – MK Pandey

Other Book Lists

  1. IAS Books for UPSC Prelims Preparation
  2. IAS Books for  UPSC Mains Preparation
  3. Optional Book List for IAS Preparation
  4. NCERT Books for IAS Preparation
  5. Useful IAS Books in Hindi

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