UPSC Exam Calendar 2018

UPSC Exam Calendar for the year 2018 published while Civil Services Examination popularly known as IAS Exam (Prelims) will be held on 3rd June 2018. Notification will be published on 7th February 2018 and the last date for the application is 6th March 2018. UPSC Exam Calendar 2018

UPSC Exam Calendar 2018

UPSC Exam Dates 2018

UPSC Exam Pattern

UPSC Civil Service Exam is popularly known as IAS exam which is a three tire exam process . As per UPSC Exam Calendar 2018  preliminary exam conducted in June, followed by mains in November – December and finally interview in March. The final result was published by UPSC in the month of May. Preliminary exam marks are not accounted for ranking while the marks scored for mains and interviews will be counted for ranking. It is not easy to crack IAS Exam due to its tough competition and wide syllabus, but hard work along with smart work, right approach, proper guidance and right attitude will enable an aspirant to get a high rank in IAS Exam and get a desired service. Many are clueless about the Salary of an  IAS Officer. Click on the link to read.

IAS Exam Eligibility criteria

An Indian with any degree from [ For IAS and IPS]

  1. Any of the universities incorporated by an act of central or state legislature in India.
  2. Other educational institutions were established by the act of parliament.
  3. Or declare to be deemed as a University under section 3 of university grants commission act, 1965.
  4.  Posses an equivalent qualification.
  5. Final year students and candidates awaiting for results can also apply. Results need to submit at the time of filing the application for the mains exam.
  6. No percentage bar for any of the services

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  1. A citizen of India or,
  2. A subject of Nepal or,
  3. A subject of Bhutan or,
  4. A Tibetan refugee who came to India, before January 1, 1962, with an intention to settle permanently in India.
  5. A person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries [ Kenya, Uganda, the united republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zaire, Malawi, Ethiopia and Vietnam ]with the intention of permanently settle in India.

 IAS Exam – Age limit

The minimum age limit is 21 years. Age limit calculated as on.

1st of August every year which exam takes place.

Upper age limit and number of attempts

category Upper age limit Number of attempts
General 32 6
OBC 35 9
SC/ST 37 Unlimited attempts
Citizens of Jammu and Kashmir 37
Defense personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with foreign countries or disturbed area 35
Ex-servicemen 37
Physically handicapped/disabled 42 9

Cumulative age relaxation: apart from mentioned limits SC/ST and OBC candidates will get cumulative age relaxation. In other words, age limits added in special cases. For example, if a person is OBC and ex service man, he will get 5+7=12 of extension. Hence, his upper age limit will be 42 years.

 Also read : How to select Optional Subject for UPSC Exam?

IAS Exam syllabus

The UPSC examination is one of the toughest exams not only in India but also in the World itself. Every year UPSC conducts exams under the prescribed syllabus. Having a clear idea of the UPSC syllabus while proper methodology of study will help aspirants to tackle the dream of clearing Civil Service Examination.

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