5 useful Geography Books for IAS Prelims

In the first place, Geography is an important subject for UPSC Prelims and Mains point of view (general studies paper-1). Though, it is a vast subject to cover geography topics for UPSC. Geography for IAS is broadly divided into Physical geography, Indian geography, and world geography. Hence, we are providing a list of must-read Geography Books for IAS Prelims and Mains exam preparation.
Geography Books for UPSC

Geography Books for UPSC Prelims

  1. NCERT Text Books (class 6-12)

The NCERT text books from class 6-12 provide fundamental information related to physical, Indian and world geography. Every aspect of Geography is explained in a simplified manner so that aspirants can understand and memorize it quickly. NCERT Books is a must-read book for Geography for  prelims point of view. Click to buy online : NCERT Books for Geography.

Books for Geography

Also read: 4 Useful Books to Study History for IAS Prelims Exam

2. Geography of India by Majid Hussain

It is the most referred book for both prelims and mains. A comprehensive textbook for preparing Indian geography for IAS as well as other prestigious examinations. This book is an inevitable one from UPSC point of view as it covers all aspects of Indian geography from top to bottom. The details are provided in such a manner that you get all the information with the help of updated maps and diagrams. Furthermore, the lucid language also enables the aspirants for a thorough understanding of the subject. Click to buy Geography of India by Majid Hussain.Geography of India by Majid Hussain

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3. Certificate of Physical and Human Geography

The book by Goh Cheng Leong is a must read book to tackle questions related to physical geography. The elementary details related to various topics like climate change, types of natural vegetation, mountain chains, deserts and other natural phenomena are provided in this book. Apart from these, this book provides detailed information with an easy to understand language along with photographs, maps, and illustrations. Click to buy Certificate of Physical and Human Geography by G C Leong.Certificate of Physical And Human Geography

Also read: Best Books for Indian Polity for IAS Exam

4. World Geography by Majid Hussain

This is a very informative book that provides a detailed explanation regarding various countries of the world. Moreover, all topics are crisp and clear under eighteen chapters. Click to buy World Geography by Majid Hussain.World Geography by Majid Hussain

5.Oxford School Atlas

Oxford School Atlas

An indispensable book for IAS preparation, that provides a basic understanding of Indian as well as world geography. It consists of extensive coverage of core thematic issues such as wildlife, agriculture, industry, human development, minerals, environmental issues and so on. There are 94 thematic maps in Oxford atlas describing above-mentioned topics. Candidates should refer a good atlas for studying geography together with above-mentioned books. Oxford school atlas is such a one that covers all necessary topics relating to geography for UPSC preparation. Click to buy Oxford School Atlas.

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