Cut Off Marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017 is out!

Cut Off Marks for UPSC Civil Services

Union Public Service Commission announced Cut Off Marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017. Minimum Qualifying Marks for all three stages including prelims, mains, and interview are available in public domain.

Every year millions of candidates appear for UPSC examinations and only a few percentages of candidates get into service. In 2017, around 9.74 lakhs registered for IAS exams and only around 4.5 lakhs candidates appeared for the exams. Out of these 4.5 lakh aspirants, only around 15000 candidates were able to clear prelims. From these 15000 candidates, approximately 990 candidates were able to get into service. So it is essential to have an idea about the minimum cut off marks secured by each candidate during recent years (2017) for UPSC prelims, mains, and final rank list. In this article, we are comparing (minimum) cut off marks secured by candidates during different stages of civil services examination.

Cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2017, 2016 and 2015

As it is clear that, from 2015 onwards CSAT was only qualifying paper and for prelims marks scored from paper 1 are calculated for qualifying mains exams.

In 2017, UPSC Prelims Cut Off Marks for the general category were 105.34 marks while in 2016 it was 116 for the same category. A decrease of around 11 marks is evident from this data. On the other hand OBC category the cut off marks were 102.66 and 110.66 in 2017 and 2016 respectively. Although this category also showed some variations, the marks remained almost same.

Furthermore, SC category secured 99.34 and 88.66 marks in the years 2016 and 2017 respectively. Likewise, the cut off marks for ST category was 96 in the year 2016 and it was only 88.88 in 2017.

PH category which is further subdivided into three groups, on the other hand, prelims cut off marks was 88.88, 61.34 and 40 respectively for PH-1, PH2, and PH-3. While in 2016, PH-1 cut off marks was  75.34 followed by 72.66 and 40 marks for PH-2 and PH -3 accordingly.

Year/category General OBC SC ST PH-1 PH-2 PH-3
2015 107.34 106.00 94 91.34 90.66 76.66 40
2016 116 110.66 99.34 96 75.34 72.66 40
2017 105.34 102.66 88.66 88.66 88.88 61.34 40

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Cut Off Marks for Mains

Cut off marks for mains in general category was 809 marks in 2017 whereas in 2016 it was only 787 marks. The minimum marks secured by OBC candidate was 787  in 2017 while the same category in 2016 was 745. Moreover, for SC category it was 756  and 622 marks respectively in 2016 and 2015. However, ST category the cut off marks  was 730 and 749 marks for 2017 and 2016 accordingly. PH-1, on the other hand, the cut off marks for mains was 734 marks in 2017 while it was below  600 marks in 2015, 580 marks. 745 marks was the cut off marks for mains in 2017 for PH-2 category. However, it was only 627 marks for the same category in 2015. Mains cut off for PH-3 in 2017 was 578, while it was 504 marks in 2015.

Subject to 10% marks in each of seven competitive papers, ie, essay, GS-1, GS-2, GS-3, GS-4, optional-1 and optional-2.

Overall, the cut off scores showed an increase from 2016 to 2017

Year/category general OBC SC ST PH-1 PH-2 PH-3
2016 787 745 739 730 713 740 545
2015 676 630 622 617 580 627 504
2017 809 770 756 749 734 745 578

Also Check : UPSC IAS Exam Previous Year Question Papers in PDF

An analysis of final cut off marks

General category final cut off was 1006 marks in 2017 and  988  marks in 2016. OBC category on the  other  hand, the minimum marks was 968 in 2017 and 951 and 834  in 2016 and 2015 respectively. In 2017, 944 marks was the minimum score of SC candidate while it was only 920 in 2016. 939 was the qualifying mark of ST category in 2017 but in 2016 it was just only 920 marks. For PH-1, PH-2 and PH-3 category final cut off scores in 2016 was 923,948 and 948 respectively in 2017. While for the same category in 2015 it was 802,830 and 697 for PH-1, PH-2 and PH-3 accordingly.

Also Read  : Anudeep Durishetty – the man who topped (Rank 1) UPSC CSE 2017

2017 1006 968 944 939 923 948 830
2016 988 951 920 920 927 951 817
2015 877 834 810 801 802 830 697



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