IAS Study Materials and UPSC Notes Download as PDF for Free!

We IASSolution team is committed to provide quality education, guidance, and free IAS Study materials to encourage self-study for UPSC CSE. This post contains links to download all our online UPSC (IAS) Study Materials in PDF, which are completely free. In the UPSC Exam, the strategy is very important which should be a mix of the online study materials, tips, and guidance. We provided an exhaustive list of offline study materials such as UPSC Books and NCERT. You are free to share or download  IAS Study Materials and articles for IAS Exam preparation or self-use. All the best!
Free IAS Study Materials

Free IAS Study Materials for Prelims and Mains

  1. Indian History Notes
  2. Indian Polity  Notes
  3. International Relations Notes
  4. Science & Technology Notes
  5. Social Schemes Notes 
  6. Economy  Notes 
  7. Environment  Notes
  8. Geography Notes

UPSC Mains General Studies Paper wise

IASSolution Prelims Mock Test Series

Simply reading standard books and materials will not help you to perform in a real UPSC Exam. Firstly, you need to identify your weak area and then try to improve it. You can improve your ability to perform in an actual exam only when tested in the exam atmosphere with negative marking. Take free UPSC Prelims Online Mock Tests by IASSolution to find where you stand, what are the weak and strong areas in our artificial intelligence enabled exam platform. Happy learning!

IAS Preparation: Guidance and StrategiesUPSC Exam Strategy

  1. How to read ‘The Hindu newspaper for IAS Exam preparation?
  2. Indian Polity Strategy for IAS exam?
  3. How to prepare Indian Economy for IAS Exam?
  4. Geography Strategy for IAS Prelims
  5. How to read and Free Download Yojana Magazine for IAS Exam?
  6.  Indian History Strategy for IAS Examination  
  7. How to select Optional Subject for IAS Exam?
  8. How to start IAS Preparation without Coaching?
  9. IASSolution UPSC Prelims 2021 Online Mock Test Series
  10. UPSC IAS Exam 2024 Pattern, Eligibility, Age limit, Syllabus

Books for Civil Services Exam Preparation

Check the comprehensive post: Detailed List of IAS Books- IAS Books for Civil Services Prelims and Mains Exam.  Without standard books and study materials to supplement IAS preparation, you cant gain UPSC Exam level knowledge. In the UPSC Civil Services Preparation Study Material list of any serious aspirant, the following categories of materials are recommended.

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  1. Standard IAS Books for Civil Services Exam –  Eg: Laxmikanth for Indian Polity,.Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh etc.
  2. School and College Text Books –  Eg: NCERT, TN Board History Books, NIOS, IGNOU, etc.
  3. Newspapers and Magazines –  Eg: The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, EPW, Frontline, etc.
  4. Online UPSC Study Materials – Eg: IASSolution.com, Government websites like PIB, PRS, etc.

Also read: Useful websites for IAS preparation 

Books and Free UPSC Study Materials for Download

Interesting read: Salary of IAS Officer 

IASSolution Prelims Test Series Program

If you are seriously preparing for UPSC Civil Services Prelims then Mock Tests are a must for your exam Preparation. Prepare, Practice, and Get Perfection by practicing mock exams. This will enable you to perform at the real exam hall with maximum perfection. For your exam needs, we are designed a Prelims Test series at an affordable rate. With this package, you can practice 40 mock Tests at Rs 2999. Happy Learning!

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