Interceptor Missile and its Significance to India

An interceptor missile is a missile that can be used to track and detect enemy missiles, and eventually intercept them for de-activation or destroying purpose.Also interceptor missile is a surface to air missile designed to counter an incoming ballistic missile. The income missile gets destroyed before it is able to hit its target.Interceptor MissileRecently India successfully tested its interceptor missile (Prithivi Defence Vehicle) off the Odisha Coast.It includes endo and exo atmospheres. This is a huge feat by our defense technology as very few countries have achieved this defensive mechanism.

Significance of Interceptor Missile

  •  The Ballistic missile defense developed by DRDO is a two layered system system (PAD & AAD) capable of tackling incoming targets at exo and endo atmospheres.
  • It puts India in elite club of nations possessing ballistic missile defence.India became the fifth country of have such system
  • Interceptor is a state of art technology consisting of high accuracy Inertial Navigation System (INS) & supported by a Redundant Micro Navigation System
  •  Interceptor provides a significant boost to self reliance & the indigenous technology system of India.

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  • It adds to India’s against the missile threats from China, Pakistan and other nations.
  • Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) is capable of destroying the target at high altitude, there is little risk of collateral damage through debris fall.
  •  Prithvi Interceptor missile code named PDV is expected to replace the existing PAD in the PAD/-Advanced Air Defence (AAD)Combination.It will also have IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) seeker for its kill vehicle as well. So, it would be better than PAD.
  • India’s admission into MTCR will also help us in further extending the range of missiles thus better defensive strategy.

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Further , this test will also provoke the neighbour countries and they will also try to compete us . This is in turn will further proliferate the arms race and that would be certainly not good for peace .The successful test of interceptor missile system is a milestone achievement and adds another feather in India’s defense cap.

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