MTCR and its significance to India for various reasons.
The entry of India into the missile control technology regime [MTCR], has many advantages. There four organizations that controls the non proliferation treaty, namely the nuclear suppliers group, the MTCR, the Australia group and the Wassenaar group. These clubs make regulations for their members to control the export of sensitive materials and technologies to non members. Earlier, India failed to gain membership in the NSG while its successful march to MTCR can be viewed as a beacon of hope for NSG also. Moreover, it is significant to notice that China and Pakistan is not the members of MTCR yet.
MTCR and its goals
The missile technology control regime is an informal voluntary grouping of nations with an objective to check proliferation of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] that is capable of carrying weapons of mass destruction [WMD]. However, it does not impose any legal binding on its members on its members as it is not a treaty. Including India, MTCR have 35 members till now.
Significance for India from MTCR 
- Selling of various missiles
Once India gained MTCR membership it enables to sell BHRAMOS missiles to countries like Vietnam. The operational range of these missiles is just under 300 KM threshold. India manufactured this missile jointly with Russia.
- Cryogenic engine technology
India was denied of cryogenic engine technology during the cold war. But now, ISRO have access to restricted high end technologies for the development of cryogenic engines. The development of cryogenic engines eventually enhances space exploration.
- Export policy and proliferation
Once India gains an appropriate export policy regarding items covered by MTCR, India can import such items without any hurdles. It is due to the fact that, India can argue that sale of such items will not lead to any proliferation.
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- Ballistic Missile Technology
India can obtain various technologies for development of Ballistic missile system to protect itself from incoming ballistic missiles.
- Source from other countries
India can now gain source and technologies from various other countries like the US.
- A Boost to make in India
Indian technology developed under make in India initiative, enables free export to other nations. This is highly advantageous for boosting of make in India initiative.
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- Entry of China and Pakistan
As India is a member of MTCR, it can oppose the entry of Pakistan and China. They are not members of MTCR yet. Moreover, India can gain support from China for NSG membership thus, it can be considered as a diplomatic win.
- Better contribution to non proliferation cause
India’s entry to MTCR would not only benefits to India itself, but also to MTCR. Membership of MTCR will enable India to contribute better to non proliferation cause. It leads a better understanding of regime members, thereby, allowing import of technologies for peaceful purposes.
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Joining of the elite non proliferators group can be viewed as emergence our nation in the field of technology. Furthermore, India can open market for harvesting the art of technology, hence, positioning itself to powerful nations of the globe.
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