Optional Book list for UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparation

Proper selection Optional Book list for UPSC IAS Exam is tough job . Our team collected feed back from many toppers and made a standard list on every subject  . We are providing minimum number of  standard books. IASSolution believe  that revision of minimum number of standard Books is good for candidates .Optional Book List

Booklist – Public Administration Optional

  1. Public Administration – Laxmikanth.
  2. Public Administration: Concepts And Theories – Rumki Basu.
  3. A Dictionary of Public Administration – Maheswari.
  4. Indian Administration – Pankaj Singh.
  5. Public Administration: Theory And Practice.
  6. [amazon link=”9339204786″]
  7. Administrative Theories And Management Thought – Sapru.
  8. New Horizons Of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya.
  9. Administrative Thinkers – D. Ravindra Prasad.
  10. Contemporary Debates in Public Administration – Dhameja Alka.
  11. Indian Administration – Maheswari.
  12. Introduction to the constitution of India – D.D.Basu.

 Book List – Geography Optional


  1. Physical Geography – Majid Hussain/ Savindra Singh.
  2. Modern Physical Geography – Strahler, and Strahler  (Optional).
  3. .Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong.
  4. Physical Geography Made Simple – Rupa Publication.
  5. Dictionary of Physical Geography – Penguin.
  6. Evolution of Geographical Thought – Majid Hussain.
  7. Economic and Social Geography Made Simple.
  8. Models in Geography – Majid Hussain.
  9. Dictionary of Human Geography.
  10. Oxford Student Atlas.


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  1. India – A Comprehensive Geography  – Khullar.
  2. Regional Planning in India – Mahesh Chand.
  3. India Year Book 2020 – Publication Division.
  4. Yojana and Kurukshetra Magazines.

Optional Book List – Sociology

  1. Social Problems In India – Ram Ahuja.
  2. Sociology – Anthony Giddens.
  3. Sociology Themes and Perspectives – Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn.
  4. Society In India: Concepts, Theories And Recent Trends – Ram Ahuja.
  5. Sociological Theory – George Ritzer.
  6. Caste Its Twentieth Century Avatar – M. N. SRINIVAS.
  7. Persistence and Change in Tribal India – M.V. Rao.
  8. Social Background of Indian Nationalism – A. R. Desai.
  9. Modernization Of Indian Tradition – Yogendra Singh.
  10. Sociological Thought – Francis Abraham, John Henry Morgan.
  11. Social Change In Modern India – M. N. SRINIVAS.
  12. Oxford Dictionary Of Sociology.

Optional Book List – Political Science

  1. An Introduction to Constitution of India – D.D Basu.
  2. Introduction to Political Theory – O P Gauba.
  3. A new look at modern Indian history by BL Grover and Alka Yagnik.
  4. Fifty major political thinkers by Ian Adams and RW Dyson.
  5. Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri.
  6. Foundations of Indian Political Thought – V R Mehta.
  7. [amazon link=” 9384885622″]
  8. Does The Elephant Dance? Contemporary India Foreign Policy – Malone
  9. MPS-004 Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends by Expert Panel of GPH.
  10. Global politics by Andrew Heywood.
  11. India’s foreign policy – V P Dutt.
  12. International Organizations by Spectrum.
  13. An Oxford companion to politics in India.

Optional Book List – History

  1. History of Modern India – Shekhar Bandopadhyaya/Bipan Chandra.
  2. India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra and Others.
  3. India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma.
  4. Age of Revolution 1789-1848.
  5. Age of Capital 1848-1875.
  6. Early India by Romila Thappar.
  7. Mastering Modern World History – Norman Lowe.
  8. Modern India by Sumit Sarkar.
  9. Age of Empire 1875-1914.
  10. The Wonder that was India.

Optional Book List – Economics

  1. Microeconomics – Ahuja and Koutsyansis.
  2. Macroeconomics – Ahuja and Mankiw.
  3. International Economics – Salvatore and M.C Vaish.
  4. Public Finance – Lekhi, Balton and Bhatia.
  5. Money and Banking – Gupta and Ahuja.
  6. RBI Website.
  7. Growth and Development – Mishra and Puri.
  8. Debraj Ray-Development Economics.
  9. Indian Economy – Mishra and PuriDutt and Sundaram , [amazon link=” 9332703760″], Economic Survey.

Recommended Books for Psychology –

  1. Introduction to Psychology
  2. Atkinson & Hilgard – Psychology
  3. Robert Baron Psychology
  4. [amazon link=”8174730907″]
  5. Psychology – Ciccarelli
  6. Applied Psychology
  7. Social Psychology
  8. Abnormal Psychology
  9. Theories of Personality
  10. Organizational Behavior

Optional Book List – Medical Science

  1. Human Anatomy—B D Chaurasia books of Anatomy (all three volumes)
  2. Embryology from I B Singh;
  3. Human Physiology– Ganong; Guyton and A.K.Jain book
  4. Biochemistry– by U. Satyanarayan’s book.
  5. Pathology– Pathological basis of disease by Robbins and Cotran 
  6. Pharmacology– K D Tripathi’s book   or  Lipincott is very good for memory point of view.
  7. Microbiology– D R Arora’s book.
  8. Medical parasitology by D R Arora
  9. Essentials of Forensic medicine and Toxicology by Dr. K S Narayan Reddy.
  10. Preventive and social medicine– K Park (Community medicine)
  11. Emergency medicine by Chough
  12. General Surgery– Manipal’s manual of surgery
  13. Clinical surgery for differential diagnosis
  14. Essential pediatrics by O P Ghai, Paul and Bagga (Pediatrics)
  15. [amazon link=”8131228029″]
  16. Obstetrics and gynecology including family planning– Obstetrics by D C Dutta

Book Lists for Law Optional

Books for Law Optional Paper 1

Books for Law Optional Paper 2

Book Lists for Mechanical Engineering Optional

  1. [amazon link=” 8185444412″]
  2. Heat Conversion – Arora and Kundwar
  3. Theory of Mechanics – S S Rattan
  4. Heat Transfer – Gupta Prakash
  5. Heat and Mass Transfer – R. Yadav
  6. Theory of Mechanism and Mechanics – Jagdish Lal
  7. Principles of Manufacturing Material & Process – Campbell
  8. Fundamentals of Classed Thermodynamics – Van Wylen
  9. Environmental Pollution Central Engineering
  10. Mechanic of Solids
  11. Manufacturing Science – Ghosh and Malik 
  12. Energy Conversion – Sukhalmoy
  13. Surveying and Levelling – T P Kanetkar
  14. [amazon link=” 8131802442″]
  15. Production Management – R K Jain
  16. Manufacturing Technology – P N Rao

Optional Book List for Botany

Optional Book list – Zoology

  1. Cell and molecular biology – De Robertis, C.B. Powar
  2. Genetics – P.K. Gupta, Gardner, Ahluwalia, Vir Bala Rastogi
  3. Invertebrates – R.L. Kotpal, Nigam, Jordan
  4. Vertebrates – R.L. Kotpal, Nigam, Jordan and Varma
  5. Comparative anatomy of vertebrate zoology
  6. Animal physiology – H.R. Singh, Vander
  7. Biochemistry – Harper, Leninger, Stryer, Rao
  8. Embryology – Balinsky, A.K. Berry, Vir Bala Rastogi
  9. Organic evolution – Veer Bala Rastogi
  10. Ecology – P.D. Sharma, Odum, Vir Bala Rastogi and M.S. Jayaraj, Kotpal and Bali
  11. [amazon link=”8171338763″]
  12. General Zoology – Storer and Usurger
  13. Physiology – H.R. Singh
  14. Evolution – Vir Bala Rastogi
  15. A Dictionary of Entomology

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