How To Start IAS Preparation in 2024 without Coaching?

start IAS Preparation

Many of the candidates are in a dilemma about how to start UPSC IAS Preparation. We are addressing the complex question of “How to Prepare for IAS ” with the right approach and strategy. Cracking the Civil Service Exam is the dream of every Indian, as it offers a chance to serve the public, as well as to create an impact on society.

UPSC conducts Civil Service Exam every year. The exam process is quite long almost it will take a year to complete the whole process. The right approach along with smart IAS Preparation enables you to fulfill the dream of becoming an IAS officer. As the exam process is long, it is well understood that you should spend a lion’s share of your time studying, so as to cover vast topics.

Interesting Read: Salary of an IAS Officer after 7th Pay Commission.

When to Start UPSC Preparation 2025?

A one-and-a-half-year study is essential for clearing the world’s one of the toughest exams. However, there are examples of candidates who cracked UPSC within six months of IAS Preparation. Further, there is only a minute probability that you will get through UPSC in the initial attempt. You are going to invest in crucial years of life for this.Time to start IAS preparation

Ideally, those who are doing graduation can select their interesting subject as it will help in UPSC Mains also. Mostly, aspirants begin their IAS preparation in June or July. But a proper understanding of the syllabus will help to invest less time in preparation.

How to Start IAS Preparation?

There are two approaches- prelims cum mains approach and prelims approach.

Those who have one year or more, they can schedule for prelims cum mains approach. For example, those who are aiming for next year IAS Exam, and can start to prepare from now onwards. They can invest at least three months for completing their optional subjects and another five months for general studies papers followed by prelims preparation for the rest of five months. Finally, the last five months can be devoted to the revision of mock tests, etc. Keep in mind to be on track with current affairs the whole way throughout your preparation.

The main advantage of this method is that aspirants can get enough time for IAS preparation and revision. Moreover, they can identify their mistakes and sharpen themselves for the final test.

UPSC Prelims Cum Mains Approach

This is an appropriate method for the working force, those who have a limited time span, etc. For instance, as per UPSC Exam Calendar 2024 more than 365 days left for Prelims Exam, so start study from today for prelims cum mains along with current affairs. Having a thorough understanding of the UPSC Syllabus and smart work will ensure you to climb the ladder of UPSC within this short span of time.

Remember, the preliminary level is the toughest part of all exams and once clearing it will enhance your confidence level and shine brightly for the rest of the examination process.

Students should have a clear idea about the UPSC Syllabus to be covered for prelims and mains.

Prelims consist of two papers that carry 200 marks each. Each paper is of 2 hours duration. Candidates should attempt both papers. CSAT is only qualifying paper, aspirants should score 33% or 66 marks. Paper one is going to decide your entry into mains but not going to decide your rank. GS Paper 1 also comprises of 200 marks with a 2-hour duration.

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UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1 Strategy

  1. Indian History– ancient, medieval, modern. It is beneficial to focus more on ancient and modern history as more questions are triggered here. Study art and culture along with history. Don’t view art and culture as well as history as separate subjects. Refer: How to study Indian History for IAS Examination?
  2. Geography– physical [world], Indian geography, gives more stress on Indian geography. Correlate current events of the Indian landscape along with theory. For example, if some news came about the great northern plains, go thoroughly through great northern plains, its characteristics, significance areas covered and so on.  Also, refer to How to study geography for IAS Exam.
  3. Indian Polity– correlate with the current scenario, as UPSC focus on logical aspects. Simple book reading is not sufficient for scoring from Indian polity. Also read: How to study Indian Polity for IAS Exam?
  4. Indian Economy– read the economic survey and union budget while preparing for the Indian Economy. The economic survey is an inevitable part of IAS preparation. Also Check: How to Prepare Indian Economy for IAS Exam?
  5. Environment and ecology-as IFS [Indian Forest Service] examination are conducted together with UPSC, an increased number of questions are being asked from this subject.
  6. Science and technology– various technological advancements in our country that are of national and international importance. For instance, 2018 prelims can expect questions from ISRO’s recent PSLV launch.
  7. Current Affairs – This part should be covered by newspapers, magazines, and government websites like PIB, IDSA, PRS, etc. In recent years there are a lot of questions asked from current affairs. So the importance of current affairs can’t be neglected. We are also providing current affairs daily Quiz which is helpful for IAS preparation for 2024

GS Paper 2 CSAT (Civil Service Aptitude Test)

  1. Comprehension- mainly to assess your proficiency in English.
  2. Interpersonal skills include communication skills.
  3. Reasoning both logical and analytical
  4. Decision-making and problem-solving – this part does not carry negative marks so that candidates can approach this part without fear of losing marks.
  5. General mental ability
  6. Data interpretation and basic numerical skills.

Tips to Start UPSC Preparation at Home

  1. Book collection – embark on your IAS preparation by collecting standard books for UPSC for each subject. Hindi Medium aspirants can refer to IAS Books in Hindi Medium. NCERT books from class 6 to 12 are the holy books for starting UPSC preparation. NCERT textbooks cannot be omitted from basic reading. Refer: List of Useful  NCERT Books for UPSC Preparation
  2. Newspaper reading- read the newspaper on a pretty regular basis to correlate current affairs with each subject. Remember that UPSC will form questions on a logical basis rather than direct questions. This article will help you on this topic How to read the Hindu newspaper for IAS exam?
  3. Magazine reading- apart from newspapers, magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, the frontline, etc plays a decisive role in improving your writing skills for mains. Refer: How to read Yojana for IAS Exam.
  4. Writing practice- practice answering questions from UPSC Previous Question papers. Set a time limit for each question and practice more to improve your writing skills.
  5. Question paper analysis- a complete analysis of previous years’ question papers will give you an idea about the recent trend in question formulation. In fact, there is no guarantee from UPSC or UPSC doesn’t set a certain percentage for each subject.
  6. Mock tests and interpretation– Attending a mock test will enable you to evaluate your strength and weakness. Simply attending mock tests won’t work out, but the interpretation of mistakes and its correction will let you quickly march to your desired service. Our flagship UPSC Prelims Test Series designed to evaluate all  your skills, strength, and weakness
  7. Decide your optional paper at an early stage- think of your optional and prepare it before prelims will reduce your pressure at the mains stage. Useful read: How to select an optional subject?
  8. Study general studies papers along with mains- along with prelims, study GS papers for mains. There are common papers for mains and prelims. Hence, it will save you time and energy also.
  9. Follow useful websites for IAS – various governmental websites are a cluster of recent government policies and information.

Also check: 10 Best Books for IAS Exam

Overall, it’s a myth that IAS cannot be clear without coaching. Proper guidance with the right attitude will aid you to climb the ladder of IAS. Remember that it is not the amount of time you spent on studies going to matter, rather how much smart work you did really decide your final rank.

  1. Metta Bhavani says:

    Thank you sir

  • EKTA SHAH says:

    my dob is 27/05/1992 upto which year can i attend ias exam?

  • Barsha Rani Barik says:

    Hello sir, i am the student of class +2 2nd year science. My aim is to be a ias officer. So ,after +2 which optional subject is good for +3 to attempt IAS exam.

  • Harsh says:

    Which type of graduation I would take for IAS exam

  • Uma says:

    It is important we need to speak in English for IAS exam

  • Fathima says:

    Sir, I am planning to write UPSC exam next year. I will be graduating next year. I am pursuing Bachelor Of Social Work, I really need help as I’m not going for coaching. I’ll be choosing Psychology as optional as I couldnt find my UG subject ( psychology was my sub in grade 11 &12). I am hoping to crack the exam.

  • Sneha says:

    I m confused to decide medium of upsc exam……..plz suggest me something

    1. IAS Solution says:

      English will be better in some aspects.

  • Vijaya says:

    “Excellent article IAS Solution team!

    very helpful article for UPSC preparing aspirants.

  • Burhan Ambawala says:

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to make myself ready for next year’s IAS exams. appreciate if you can let me know the whole process on how to start , how & from where to get the books & how I can register myself for an exam also.

    awaiting your reply.


    1. IAS Solution says:

      You can buy all UPSC books from Amazon online store. The whole process the of IAS Exam is explained on this his hyper linked article . Registration is online.


    i want to become civil servent for my nation.
    But the problem is to my financial problem.
    I have confident on my capables.
    Still I prepare through only online websites i think this will not to be enough for Crack CIVILS.
    iI Hope to got reply from ur’s..✔

  • Harshit Singh says:

    i am bachelor in vocational graduate am i eligible for giving ias?

  • arun says:

    how read to ias with out any coaching. from 2019 prelims. pls guide me. per day 8 hrs available . i am working.

  • Chandrakala says:

    My dob is 19.03.1986 iam OBC. can i appear in 2021?

  • Pardeep Bhandari says:

    Respected sir
    My name is pardeep Bhandari and I am graduate. I want to become an IPS officer. But due to bad financial conditions. I cant take admission in good coaching center for preparation. Sir can you suggest me the way to crack upsc examination without coaching .sir suggest me books and other study material also.
    Your faithful
    Pardeep Bhandari

  • Shrikant says:

    Hi Sir,

    I want to prepare for it, but I have not that much amount of money. Request you to pls guide .
    How I can start my study . I am a working student almost 9-10 hours consumed in job. Pls guide. I want to crack it in June 2019

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Start with a UPSC Prelims Test series for organized study. Test Series will provide you detailed timetable and reading sources.Study, take test,practice,practice is the mantra to clear upsc exam.

  • kamal says:

    hi sir,
    i hv a job, & the time i can get to prepare is in the morning till 12 PM. Living in gurgaon. could i join a coaching or what would be the best way to start preparing.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Coaching is not necessary, you can do self-study. Join a test series and study accordingly. Refer our test series timetable.

  • Manasa says:

    Hello sir what should be the minimum percentage in graduation to qualify to take
    upsc exam

  • Manasa says:

    Hello sir my dob is 19/5/1989 and I scored 47%in BA,m I eligible to write upsc in 2019 n how many attempts can I try, I belong to 3B category

  • Rajashree says:

    Sir good afternoon… I am a working lady.. Is it possible to prepair upsc without leaving my job. How could I sir?? And what’s the time table..

  • Sakshi says:

    Sir, my DOB is 01/10/1998 & I’m from gorakhpur. I’ll be completing my graduation next year. I’m a B.Sc Bio student & I aspire to be an IAS. Am I eligible??

  • anbuselvam.s says:

    how to prepare for ias exam…..

  • Aaquib Raza says:

    Hello sir,
    Mai (ignou) university delhi say BCA complete keya hai ,Mai exam day sak ta hu UPSC ka

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes, you are eligible.

  • Lakhan Rathod says:

    Sir i have completed iti in 2013-15 and now iam studing in bcom 1st year in exam mode please tell me from when i will eligible for prelims and can study into marathi language please wich both languages are mandatory to appear in exam. my dob is 13-10-1997

  • Mohammed Naser says:

    Is it possible to prepare for upsc preparation with out coaching.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Certainly yes.

  • Ashok Kumar says:

    Sir I am a b tech final year student, passing out in 2018.
    I want to prepare for cse-2019 but parallely with a job.
    How should I start in the best possible way.

  • Nitinkumar Prabhu Choudante says:

    Sir main graduation mein 4saal fail hua Hoon and Meri age 27 Hain to main mujhe IAS hona hai sir main kar sakta Hoon.

  • Suganya TR says:

    Can you please give me the suggestion for how to read a Hindu newspaper for UPSC examination point of view ?

  • pankaj says:

    Sir mene 12th pass ke hai ias exam ko crack karna ka liye m a kya kru kya b.a best h sir g

  • Ramesh kumar says:

    Thank you very much

  • Ramesh kumar says:

    If any candidates are joined RSS so any effects in upsc exam and after exam

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Normally no problem.

      1. Suchit says:

        My DOB is 1990, and I am from General catogary, can I apply for the CSE 2019?

        I am a working professional Mon to Fri – 11 hrs/per day ( max including travel and all).
        Could you please suggest me should I go for it or not it I am eligible for 2019.
        I was already done coaching in 2012 for ESE (IES) , please suggest.

        1. IAS Solution says:

          yes,you are eligible for CSE 2019 as per age category.

  • Shino says:

    I can attend the civil service exam this year without age relaxation .But when i submitted the application i claimed age relaxation .Is it cause any problem in future?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      No problems.

  • sachin kumar says:

    Sir ias ka notes pt mains kitna words be make.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Minimum 250 words.

  • SIVA says:

    Sir I am obc non creamy layer candidate and i don’t have obc certificate now. so can i apply in general category.

    1. IAS Solution says:


  • shashank singh says:

    hello sir
    my date of birth is 20/09/1985.
    can i apply for cse 2018
    i am an engg.working for a private firm.
    plz give me a proper response with the age calculator examples if possible.
    it is very confusing actually.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Not eligible. Read notification age limit para..

  • praveen says:

    is there any optional papers in prelims

    1. IAS Solution says:


  • Pravesh Adiacha says:

    I am doing a job of 9 hours. So how can i start preparing for IAS Exams ?

  • Subhajeet Pal says:

    Sir, i am at the last year of my (4 years) which is complete on june 2018. Can i apply for ias 2018 exam?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Final year students are eligible but u should get your degree certificate before the last date of Mains Exam application.

  • vishal says:

    hello sir,
    i wanna crack the cse 2018 pre in 4months from home.i will read class 6-10 ncert books,follow yojna and the hindu for sure.
    can you just tell me the concise study material for prelims paper 1 and paper 2.
    basically i need paper 1 study material as i am starting from zero level.
    for csat paper i have materials and practise of gate level.
    i am mechanical graduate by the way.

  • Preet says:

    Hi sir , i m doin b.a LLB 5 year .. now i m in 3 year .. may i elgible for ias exam ?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      U r not eligible now.

  • Konjengbam Mexico Singh says:

    Sir, which is the best optional subjects between sociology and anthropology? and in my degree I took BCA degree….

  • laxmi rajput says:

    Gud mrng sir , i have completed my graduation in BSc medical microbiology, so please suggest me mains optional subject and which is easiest optional subject for me.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Optional subject selection is personal choice. This post may help you regarding this. How to select optional subject for IAS EXam

  • Pawan jadham says:

    Sir I’m from Hindi medium and 21year old and I completed graduation in BE (CSE) want to appear in 2019 upsc exam without coaching, what should be my strategy, which books i follow , how I make my schedule, and which is easiest optional subject for me.

  • Smriti says:

    Sir in one interview Tina dabi told to study about case study sir please reply what is that?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      That is what about Case Studies in GS main Paper 4 Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude. Refer GS mains 2017 Paper 4 Question Paper

  • Manasa H says:

    Can we give the IAS exam in Kannada?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes, mains and interview

  • Ravi says:

    Sir to crack first time ias how much time we have to spend in a day in a week Ina year

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Minimum 10 hours every day

  • Vikram meena says:

    Sir mere graduate me 55 %marks or sir me upsc ki preparing kr rha hu % se koi problm to ni ho gee na plz ans me

    1. IAS Solution says:

      No problem

  • MANTESH says:

    Im Mantesh my DOB is 1993 and copmleated am i eligible for upsc exams ?and my tongue language is kannada so….. which is the better language to steady the materials ? kannada or English ?

    1. IAS Solution says:


  • Rihana says:

    Sir , my age is 24 and I am married and have two children but I want to study for ias how do I manage please suggest me sir

  • Sonal says:

    Sir I am btech graduate previously i appeared in engineering services exam(ese) 2 times, so will it counted as attempts for ias or upsc exams or not??

    1. IAS Solution says:

      No, appearance for Engineering service exam will not be counted as an attempt for UPSC Civil Service Exam or any other UPSC Exams.

      1. Sonal says:

        Thank you so much

  • Satyam says:

    Sir I want to appear for IAS exam in 2020 I can study only for 5 hours a day can I take ias exam in a year of preparation

    1. IAS Solution says: can..

  • Ashok says:

    Sir, My DOB is 18/07/1997. Can i eligible for 2018 upsc exam?

    1. IAS Solution says:


  • B.SANDHYA says:

    HI SIR

  • Muskaan Lamba says:

    Sir i’ll be giving my first attempt in 2021. Could you please guide me with a schedule as to how and with what I should begin?

  • Praveen says:

    Sir i can apply ias exams in 2018
    This year

  • Vasu says:

    Sir…I m mca graduate .I m studying for upsc….. working as a teacher……I want to know how can I take notes from polity, geography for read? When I m taking notes ,its getting late .pls tell me sir how can I take notes within short time?

  • Divanshu says:

    Hey, I am Divanshu and I am complete my graduation this year.
    How I am start to study for the IAS.
    Who is the best coaching center for the IAS in Delhi

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Read this article How to start IAS preparation ? . Coaching isnot necessary for clear IAS Exam. Sriram is good for Coaching.

      1. Shakunthala bv says:

        Sir am currently working. My dream is I want is officer but I don’t have any idea about hw to prepare IAS and what is the exam pattern ..
        Please tell me this my dob 15/07/1994
        Am eligible

  • ashwini ch says:

    hello sir im ashwini ..30 years old i want to give upsc exam now…im graduate but my degree is from open university and now im doing job in co operative bank…sir plz gide me how to start preparation now…!!

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Join our test series to crack IAS Prelims. It is systematically designed for full coverage of syllabus with UPSC level standard Questions. Link : .For any queries regarding Test series, mail us on [email protected]

  • Shubham says:

    Can we give the ias exam in Marathi subject

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes,Mains and interview.

  • Lejo says:

    Sir i have one doubt,for ias exam i should learn hindi because i am from tamilnadu. .

    1. IAS Solution says:

      No need..



    May i choose English Medium in mains and Hindi Medium in interview …?????

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes, U can…

  • Shino says:

    Degree from manonmaniam sundaranar university is valid for upsc?

  • Vijay sahu says:

    Sir, i am in first year of i will be eligible for cse after 2-3 year, i can start preparation for cse but for prelims should i start now or one year before at that year when i will attempt exam,because question of gs and current affairs keep changes? Is it will be right to focus only for mains for now?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Covering basic subjects like History, Geography, Polity and Economics will be fine . Read NCERTs and Standard IAS Books along with one English newspaper preferably the Hindu.

  • M Bhaskarreddy says:

    I want prepare for IAS please give me guidance how to prepare for IAS

  • ravi says:

    sir, my dob is 27/7/87. i from obc catagery .how many chances do i hav to attend the ias exam

    plese reply

    1. IAS Solution says:

      3 chances as per current eligibility criteria

      1. ravi says:

        in which year??

  • Srinivas says:

    Sir I’m Telugu medium. Can I prepare Telugu medium

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes, u can

  • Chanakya IAS Academy says:

    Join Chanakya’s Upgraded Foundation Course, a complete solution to prepare for all three stages of UPSC. It is strictly based on UPSC Syllabus and you will also get the guidance and direction from subject matter experts.

  • Md mujeeb alam says:

    Sir my D.O.B is 15/06/1995
    Upto which years i would be able attempt the exam..

  • mohan says:

    Which subject should we take in class 10. For ias exam.

  • Rajnish kumar says:

    Hello sir,
    I m studying in B. E ( computer science), there is any option to choose optional subject as related my branch. If it is possible. otherwise plzz give me suggestions to choose optional subject which are helpful for us. Those are study (Computer science). And sir should I have to study class 6th to 12th all books from NCERT Publications.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Computer science or related subject is not listed as list of CSE optional subjects. U can choose Mathematics as an optional subjects. NCERT Books which is needed for IAS Exam is listed in this link

  • sukanya bhanudas talekar says:

    sir, i amsy bcom2nd year student i want to prepare CIVIL SERVICES how should i start preparetion.

  • sana Fareen says:

    My DOB 18/12/1998 . Am I eligible for IAS exam

    1. IAS Solution says:

      U are eligible for IAS Exam from 2020 onwards.

  • soundarya says:

    HI Sir

    I am completed my B.Tech 2016 , I Have only B.Tech certificate am alegible are not, preparing for CIVILs

    1. IAS Solution says:

      If u passed the B.Tech Degree then u are eligible for CSE.

      1. Dhaval says:

        Sir , I am 2 nd year student of dairy technology) . so I can apply IAS exam in future or not?
        And if yes, so what is easy optional subject to study as per my course?

        1. IAS Solution says:

          You can apply for IAS Exam. U can choose any subject listed as optional subject. I think Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science is related to diary technology which is listed as optional subject.

  • Prashant Singh says:

    Sir/Ma’am. My DOB is 07-05-88.
    I am a Bank PO aspirant.
    I want to give my best efforts in preparation for UPSC Civil Services. Regarding study materials, I want to know is NCERT books (6-12) sufficient for General Studies Prelims and Mains or do I need to refer other books too? Please reply.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      NCERT Books are not sufficient both prelims and Mains .U have to read standard books for each subjects then only u can tackle Civil Services Exam. Check this standard book list

  • Mukesh says:

    Hello sir my dob is 4/7/1987 can i start to prepare many chance i have. I m in general category. 6 month is enough for preparation.pls reply sir

    1. IAS Solution says:

      U have only once chance 2018 IAS Exam.

  • Sikindar says:

    Sir, now I’m doing bsc(mpc) my dob is 12/07/1994 after I completed degree can i eligible for IAS for entrance?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes , u are eligible as per current eligibility criteria.

  • jayakrishnan says:


    my DOB is 30.08.1986. Am i eligible for appearing IAS exams. how many chances would i get? please advice

    1. jayakrishnan says:

      I am from general category

    2. IAS Solution says:

      Yes u are eligible .U will get only one 2018 IAS Exam.

      1. jayakrishnan says:

        i am working in a company. How can i organise my studies for attempting my last chance kindly advice.

        1. IAS Solution says:

          Primarily collect standard IAS books and start reading .At the same time join an online test series which will organize ur study. Read newspapers daily for current affairs preparation and follow our Daily current affairs Quiz .Best Wishes..

  • chithra says:

    I’m a dentist . Am i eligible to attend the exam .

    1. IAS Solution says:

      certainly yes

  • Manisha says:

    I do not have money for join coaching and alsi i dont have guidence from anyone and i m working in pvt company 10-7 , please suggest how should i manage my job and time coz i cant left the job i need my job..please help me out

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Find at least 5 hours for learning everyday.Join test series and do an oits rganized study focusing on accurate target.It consists of 35 upsc level mock tests and it costs only Rs 2999 for year long test series. This is the best way for working professional like u. Test series Link : .Best wishes.

  • Lucky says:

    I need to do all chores at home and have no guidance of how to prepare so can u plz suggest me how to manage my time and prepare for 2018 attempt for prelims and what to study and when to study

    1. IAS Solution says:

      For time management and organized study , u better to join test series. Here is the link

  • rakesh says:

    Sir I took coaching in 2010 but due to negative mind I stop preparing for civil services.
    Please guide me can I start now

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes u can start now..If u have a will and skill then u can definitely crack this exam. First understand the approach of exam..Check previous year UPSC Question Paper for better understanding of questions pattern ,difficulty level ,trend etc. Try to read at least one standard newspaper daily especially editorial of ‘THE Hindu”.One Business newspaper is also must for UPSC preparation ..U can choose business standard or Business line. This post is good for a beginner to understand How to start the preparation. An another post is also coming on this subject. Be an optimist.Best wishes.

  • Padma says:

    My dob 23-08-1986 BC-A category female am I eligible t write ias exam plz help me… Up to when the possibility is there

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes, U are eligible for IAS Exam . U have left next 3 2018,2019 and 2020

  • sk ebraheem says:

    civil service aspirants can choose the paper 1 to 5 in English and paper 6 to 7 in another language it is possible , then interview in which language situated please tell me sir.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      No its not possible..In interview u can choose the selected medium of mains or English

      1. Navendu kumar says:

        Sir I in b.tec 1st year and I want to work on basics of IAS preparation and start preparing from now
        How can I start ?which book should I start reading or magazine pls guide sir

  • Pavan says:

    my DOB is 21/7/1998.which year I can give CSE . please reply me

    1. IAS Solution says:

      U can give IAS Exam in 2019( May -June).Start preparing .Best wishes.

  • Pavan says:

    I have BSC private degree by UGC approved university. so can I give CSE

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes..Sure ..U can write CSE. No problems..

  • Pavan Rajput says:

    I want to preparation for IAS exam . but I have a private graduate degree. can I give this exam

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes u can sit for IAS Exam if it is an approved degree from approved university.

  • Manisha says:

    I working in pvt company ..please guide for time managment..i interest area for optional subject in indian history. Can i take it??

    1. IAS Solution says:

      For better time management, I advised u to join our Prelims Test series which will provide an organized study..Link is here . U can take History bcoz u have interest in it.No problem.

  • Manisha says:

    Thank you so much for guidance.. can you pleass provide link for the ias solution…and whtat i do my english …

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Read Hindu Newspaper regularly and build up vocabulary with the help of dictionary. Note down the unfamiliar words and refer dictionary.Gradually , ur laguage will be improve. This is is our website link :

  • Manisha says:

    I m doing job and my age is now 27 years .i decided that now i will go in ias. My english also is not good….but i want to be become ias..plewse suggest ..and i confused about all syllubas…

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Here is the full UPSC Syllabus

  • Tanuj says:

    I want to start my prepration from december 2017 for Civil Service 2018 Exam. Please help me out with appropriate statregy for preparing the exam. Thanks.

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Sure , We will help u..First collect relevant UPSC study materials and UPSC Books

  • Javed says:

    Respected sir/medam
    My friend is studing complitly telugu mediam
    He can write upsc mains all papers in telugu language
    ¥Tell me sir ¥

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes he can write all papers of UPSC Mains exam in Telungu Medium.Best wishes..

  • Kunal Yadav says:

    which stream should i opt for in class 11 th as i want to be an IAS and am confused in choosing the stream ? please help

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Humanities will be better choice

      1. kunal yadav says:

        thank you very much.
        sir after 12th what should i do and shall i start coaching from 11th

  • Javed says:

    Respected sir/medam
    My age is 24-06-1997
    Plese tell me sir iam eligible or not upsc exam in 2018

    1. IAS Solution says:

      yes, U are eligible to take exam in 2018.

  • shubham says:

    sir , can apply BCA graduate….

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Yes.. BCA graduates can apply.

  • Shino says:

    geography and public administration
    Which is the best and easy optional?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Public Administration..

  • santhosh says:

    sir, i am B-TECH 2nd year student i want to prepare CIVIL SERVICES how should i start preparetion.

  • Pavan says:

    Sir what is the syllabus (topics) for upsc 2018 prelims..kindly tell me sir

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Refer this post UPSC Syllabus

  • Ramesh says:

    Can you suggest best book for preparing CSAT ??

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Refer this post UPSC Books

  • Nyakwang says:

    Sir, I will appear 2018 prelims. For making notes for both Prelims n Mains, should I start making notes from January 2017 or June/July 2017?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      From January 2017 is appropriate.

  • shibin k says:

    Sir I am a graduate student, is it possible for me to crack civil service examination

    1. IAS Solution says:


      1. shibin k says:

        Sir, There is any other eligibility for the civil service examination

  • humayunrafis says:

    my dob is 20.06.1985 upto which year can i attend ias exam?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      if u are from General Category then u r not eligible..

  • Ayush says:

    Sir ,what are the best books for this preparation

    1. IAS Solution says:

      Refer this UPSC Syllabus

  • richard v says:

    sir,at which date 2018 ias will be held???

  • richard v says:

    sir,10th std students can appoint it???

    1. IAS Solution says:

      U need to be graduate for appearing IAS Exam

      1. Jacob Tana says:

        sir how much fees you have ask for IAS coaching? I’m just interested but have no idea.

        1. IAS Solution says:

          Rs 3000 only!

    2. jay says:

      be ebizzer

  • mohan says:

    nice guidance…..

  • jayanthan says:

    i want to know about the validity of obc non creamy layer certificate?

    1. IAS Solution says:

      6 month validity

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