UPSC allows Change of Centre for Civil Services Exam Prelims 2020

Change of Centre UPSC Prelims 2020On July 1, 2020, UPSC issued a notice to candidates regarding the submission of change of centre for UPSC CSE Prelims 2020. As per the revised exam program, the Civil Service Preliminary examination and Indian Forest Service Preliminary exam will be conducted on October 4, 2020.

Due to a large number of candidates for IAS Prelims and Indian Forest Service Preliminary Exam 2020 and the requests received from the candidates regarding the centre change, the UPSC has decided to give applicants an opportunity to change their examination centres.

In addition to prelims, the commission gives the candidates an opportunity to revise their centers for the Civil Service (Main) Examination 2020 and Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination 2020. Further, it is also mentioned that the commission will consider the candidate’s requests to change their centers only after the announcement of centers regarding their additional or enhanced capacity for
accommodation of additional candidates.

How to Submit an application for Change of Centre?

Candidates should log in to the Commission’s website to submit their application for the revised choice of the centre. The revised choice of examination centres will be operational in two phases- July 7, 2020, to July 13, 2020 (6 PM) first phase and from
July 20, 2020, to July 24, 2020 (6 PM) second phase. The candidates are requested to visit
the commission’s website on these dates and submit their revised choice of examination
centre if needed.

What if there are too many requests for the change of centre?

UPSC Notification Change of Centre Prelims 2020

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The UPSC already notified that the requests for change in examination centres will be considered on the basis of first- apply-first allot. However, the UPSC always follow this principle for all the examinations and further, it’s already mentioned on the Examination Notices of Civil Service Preliminary,2020 and Indian Forest Service Preliminary Examination,2020. Further, if the maximum capacity of a particular centre is attained, the same will be frozen. Besides this, if a candidate didn’t get a particular centre of choice due to the maximum number of applicants, the applicant is requested to opt for another
centre from the remaining choice.

Is there any change in the Eligibility or Exam pattern?

The commission has made it clear that all conditions and the eligibility for IAS preliminary
examination 2020 and the Indian Forest Service Examination 2020 will remain the same. In
other words, the conditions and eligibility mentioned in the EXAMINATION NOTICE NO
05/2020- CSP on 12/02/2020 of Civil Service Preliminary Exam,2020 and EXAMINATION
NOTICE NO 06/2020 IFoS on 12/02/2020 of Indian Forest Service Examination,2020 will
remain unchanged.

Application withdrawal

Besides this, the UPSC will also make a withdrawal window for the candidates.
Applicants should log in to the commission’s website to withdraw
their application. It will be available from August 1, 2020, to August 8, 2020. All the terms
and conditions mentioned in EXAMINATION NOTICE NO 05/2020 – CSP DATE
12/02/2020 of Civil Service Prelims,2020 and EXAMINATION NOTICE 06/2020- IFoS
DATE 12/02/2020 of the Indian Forest Service Examination 2020 will remain the same.
Moreover, candidates should note that once the application has withdrawn, it cannot be
revived afterwards under any circumstances.

Important dates

  • Change of center- July 07, 2020, to July 13,2020,6 PM ( first phase)  July 20, 2020 to
    July 24,2020, 6 PM ( second phase)
  • Application withdrawal- August 1, 2020, to August 8, 2020

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