UPSC Civil Services Preliminary 2020 Exam Date – Start your Preparation for IAS as per the UPSC Exam Calendar

UPSC Prelims 2020 Exam Date

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has today announced the dates for the Civil Service Preliminary exam date for 2020. Along with the Civil Service Prelims, Indian Forest Service preliminary exam also will be conducted.

UPSC Civil Service Prelims and IFS Prelims Exam Date will be on May 31, 2020 as per the official Calendar.

Registration Process 2020

The registration process will begin on February 12, 2020 and end on March 3, 2020. Candidates can register online for UPSC examinations.

UPSC Calendar 2020

  • Date Registration starts for CSE Prelims: February 12, 2020
  • Date Registration closes for CSE Prelims: March 3, 2020
  • Exam dates of CSE prelims and Indian forest services prelims: May 31, 2020
  • Date of UPSC Civil Service Mains: September 18, 2020
  • UPSC IFS mains date: November 22, 2020

Note: The dates of notification, commencement and exam duration are liable to change if circumstances so warrant.

UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2020 Date

UPSC prelims exam 2019 was held on June 2, 2019. In other words, UPSC Prelims exam 2020 is two days ahead than the preliminary exam 2019.

Civil Services Preliminary Exam

A government agency called the Union Public Service Commission ( UPSC) conducts the IAS examination. The Civil Service prelims test is a screening test to select appropriate candidates for top Services such as IAS, Indian Foreign Service(IFS), IPS and IRS.

Every year nearly 4- 5 lakhs candidates appear for the UPSC Civil Preliminary examination. However, only around 1000 candidates manage to get into the final list.

It is an undeniable fact that the IAS examination is one of the toughest exams in the world due to its vast syllabus, high competition, and exam duration. Civil Service exam is a nearly one-year long process with three steps.

The Preliminary exam is objective type and consists of two papers- General Studies Paper and CSAT. While the General Studies paper is counted for screening for Mains examination, CSAT is qualifying in nature.

UPSC Syllabus for Prelims GS Paper -1

  1. Current affairs: This includes matters relating to current events, both national and international importance.
  2. History: It consists of Indian national movement and history of India.
  3. Geography [Indian and world]: It comprises physical, social, economic geography.
  4. Environment: Aspirants should include environmental ecology, biodiversity and general issues on climatic change and general science.
  5. Indian polity and governance: Constitution of India, political system, Panchayati Raj etc.
  6. Economics: It consists of social sector initiatives, sustainable development, inclusion, demographics poverty etc.
  7. General Science

The exam duration of GS paper -1 is two hours and marks are out of 200.

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UPSC syllabus for prelims GS Paper-2 ( CSAT )

  1. Problem- solving and decision- making
  2. General mental ability
  3. Comprehension
  4. Analytical and logical reasoning
  5. Data Interpretation.
  6. Interpersonal skills including communication skill.

CSAT exam duration is also two hours and marks are out of 200. Currently, CSAT is only qualifying in nature, therefore, candidates should secure a minimum of 66 marks out of 200. In other words, 33% is required to clear CSAT paper.

IASSolution Prelims Mock Test Series

UPSC Prelims Test Series 2020

Simply reading standard books and materials will not help you to perform in a real UPSC Exam. Firstly, you need to identify your weak area and then try to improve it. You can improve your ability to perform in an actual exam only when tested in an exam atmosphere with negative marking. Take free UPSC Prelims Online Mock Tests by IASSolution to find where you stand, what are the weak and strong areas in our artificial intelligence enabled exam platform. Happy learning!


The technique of the personality test is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation which aims to identify the mental qualities of the candidate.
The personality test is not intended to be a test either of the specialized or general knowledge of the candidates which has been already tested through their mains written papers. Also, aspirants are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own State or Country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.

How to start preparation UPSC Civil Service Prelims Exam 2020?

UPSC 2020 Prelims Exam DateCivil Service Prelims Exam date is just 361 days away.

The days are very less, don’t waste precious time.

If u are doing self-study then start with 3 to 4 most necessary books to start the preparation. Follow our UPSC strategies for Prelims and Mains.

We strongly advise you to join IASSolution Prelims Online Mock Test Series now. There are two benefits – (1) You can grab the early bird advantage to learn and revise the most important areas. This would also help you cover the topics faster. (2) You will get 50+ full-length mock tests at an economical price, as part of our limited period offer. Join for IASSolution Prelims Online Test Series 2020 now!


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