UPSC Prelims Mock Test Series in Free and Paid Versions

IASSolution UPSC Prelims Online Test SeriesIASSolution Prelims Online Test Series to clear IAS Prelims is the most admired program in the UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparation arena due to its quality and affordability. This is a learn by Practicing approach to clear UPSC Civil Service Preliminary Exam. It is structured with subject wise questions as well as full- length mock tests in accordance with UPSC standards.

You can register with and attend four mini mock tests to analyze our test series quality and familiarize with the online test series platform. Aspirants can either enroll for individual tests or complete test series.

IASSolution UPSC Prelims Test Series: Features

  • Instant access to already uploaded exams and instants results and detailed Solutions.
  • All India Rank lists provided for every individual test as well as total tests.
  • Detailed Performance Grade and suggestions are instantly available.
  • Follow-up Email Notifications for upload of Tests, Results, etc will be available.
  • NCERT Based Mock Tests, Subjectwise Mock Tests, Current Affairs Mock Tests, and GS full-length mock tests are included in IASSolution Prelims Test Series 2024 May and October Batch Programs.
  • Support and Guidance are at your fingertip by sending an Email to us. We will revert back immediately as soon as possible. Email address: [email protected]
  • IAS Solution UPSC Prelims Test series is designed in a way that gives you the actual feeling of UPSC preliminary exams. 40 full-length tests integrated with static and current areas to guide test takers to the right path thereby preparing you for the real exams.
  • There will be a Monthly Mock Test to cover and revise the Current Affairs area which is very important in the prelims point of view. Current Affairs Mock Test scheduled at the beginning of every month.

IASSolution Intelligent tools for Self Analysis

  • Our detailed explanation for each question makes us unique. At the end of each question in the Knowledge Zone, detailed explanations are provided, hence candidates can identify the areas where they went wrong.
  • Online mock test series designed in accordance with your convenience. Everything is made simple and you can attend tests whenever you desire. Further, candidates can either attend complete prelims mock tests package or separate tests.
  • Performance Overview is an area where you can analyze your performance. Here you can find detailed analyses of your marks.
  • In accordance with the marks secured during each test, all India Rank list is published, it helps to assess your level of preparation as well as preparedness to compete along with other aspirants across the country.
  • Online mock test series covers the entire syllabus for UPSC Prelims. Questions are selected from authentic resources and cover each and every area of the UPSC Syllabus. Our test series is built on the bedrock of NCERT and other Standard UPSC Books that is highly recommended for UPSC.
  • Detailed Timetable for year-long systematic self-study. Also, aspirants can download it in PDF version from IASSolution Store.
  • Test series package (40 Online Mock Tests) is cost-effective and now candidates can access it even at a lower price of Rs  2999 only. The offer is still valid and only for a limited period.
  • IASSolution Prelims 2021 Test Series Validity is up to the date of UPSC Prelims 2021, ie  June 27, 2021.

Enrolled Users of IASSolution Prelims Mock Test Series will get access to already uploaded mock exams and upcoming mock exams

If you enroll in the IASSolution Online Prelims Test series, you will get

Want to Clear IAS Exam in 2025?

Take IASSolution Mock Exams; Be a Master!

Take a FREE Test

  • Immediate access to all uploaded mock exams in the test series package at any time.
  • Automatic pass to upcoming scheduled mock tests without any payments.
  • Freedom to attend tests in IASSolution Prelims Test Series 2021 as per the convenience of test-takers until the date of UPSC Prelims 2021, when the validity expires.
  • Free entry to the Seminars and Facebook lives/webinars when it begins!

IAS Solution Prelims Test Series Program 2024

IASSolution Prelims Test Series 2021 Program consists of two batches namely

  1. June Batch (May 2020 to June 2024)
  2. October Batch ( October 2020 to June 2024)

It comprises 40 Online Mock Tests of General Studies Paper 1 of UPSC Prelims. It includes

  • 7 NCERT Based Mock Exams
  • 7 Subject-Specific Mock Exams
  • 19 GS Full Topics Mock Exams
  • 7 Current Affairs Mock Tests
Enroll in IASSolution Prelims Test Series 2021

Free UPSC Prelims Mock Tests offered by IASSolution

IAS Solution Add-On Prelims Test Series Packages

We always tried to add flexibility and versatility to our test series Programs. So we offer different packages in the need of UPSC Aspirants.

IAS Solution Prelims Test Series – Important Links

Is it important to attend mock tests before the actual exam?

There is a Chinese saying reflecting the importance of learning by doing.

If I see it I can remember only 25%.If I hear it I can remember only 50%.If I do it I can remember 100%.

Therefore, it is highly essential to attend mock tests before actual exams so that you can enhance your skills and approach towards questions. Furthermore, if you review the interviews of UPSC toppers they all attended mock tests before exams.

 Register and Login now to take our free and paid prelims mock tests.

Tips for scoring more than 130+ in GS Paper 1

Simply joining the online platform for mock tests will do not help. You should make use of each test and identify your weak and strong areas. After giving the test go through the Knowledge Zone in detail. This will help you to explore and learn related topics also.

Also, our complex questions aid to boost your confidence levels hence you will prepare to face any question during the real preliminary examination.

Enroll in IASSolution Prelims Test Series 2021

How to make Payments for IASSolution Online Test Series

Online Test Series Payments
We accept payments through credit cards, debit cards, and net banking, and different UPI  Wallets such as BHIM, Google Pay, Paytm, etc. Once you made your payment successfully, the page will automatically redirect to particular tests and you can attend the mock tests according to your convenience.

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